Companies and design studios from all over the world once again faced the professional judgement of the international Red Dot jury. In an evaluation process lasting several days, the jurors examined the submissions in detail and judged them according to design quality and degree of innovation, among other things. The SREH-50-IOL smart rotation module from Afag convinced the jury and was named Red Dot Winner in the Product Design category.
The SREH-50-IOL smart rotation module is a control unit with which rotary movements can be carried out precisely. It was designed to be inserted into larger automation systems. One of the module's special features is its integrated controller, which allows easy wiring with just a single cable via an IO-Link. This facilitates the integration of the module into the respective system. In addition to the "good adaptability and versatility", the jury also rated the compatibility of the unit as extremely positive, as it ensures that the module can be configured for a wide variety of environments.