Flipping and moving

The new flip conveyor is a flexible feeding component upon which parts can be moved and flipped. The flip conveyor is well-suited for nearly all part geometries. Parts with a maximum size of 40 x 40 mm and a maximum weight of 50 g can be fed. The speed of the conveyor and that for the flipping is continuously adjustable.


The flip conveyor consists of a drive unit, which determines the speed of the conveyor, and a flip conveyor drive, which is equipped with two separately driven eccentrics in order to flip the conveyed items. The conveyor runs along sliding panels, which are attached above both drives. Each belt is also equipped with a hopper to prevent the parts from falling down.


The flip conveyor transport belts are black and white to optimally make conveyed items visible to an image processing system. The flip conveyor is available in widths of 200 mm and 300 mm.


A large image area, 24V operating voltage and the possibility for quick emptying qualify the flip conveyor for the multiple parts supply for a wide range of flexible feeding applications. The inboard drives also simplify integration within flexible feeding systems due to space-saving designs.


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