Comprehensive range of components

As the components of a perfectly coordinated modular system, all product groups within Afag's handling technology HT are consistently designed for universal modularity. The combination of different sizes amongst each other is facilitated in a simple manner. Pneumatic linear modules, for example, can be combined with electrical axes as well as with electrical grippers.


Our new handling technology HT catalogues provide a good overview of these combinations as well as additional details. On a total of 887 exciting pages, the comprehensive range of components as well as the corresponding accessories for assembly automation are presented in three sections – "linear", "gripping/rotating" and "accessories".


Each part of the catalogue also contains new additions to the product portfolio, such as the SE rotational axes and the ES electric slides. As always, Afag is all about motion. Allow yourself to be surprised.


Our brand new products can also be found in the separate "Innovations 2017" brochure.


You can download our print materials here. If you want a printed version, you can request one here – naturally free of charge.
